PFCG: Assign Authorization Object into Role
1. Execute transaction code PFCG. Key in the Role name and press on Change.
2. Go to Authorizations tab and click Change Authorization Data.
3. On the top menu, select Edit > Insert authorizations (s) > Manual input (CTRL + SHIFT + F9)
4. Enter the required Authorization object. You can insert multiple authorization object at one time. Press Enter.
5. Next, you need to give the authorizations to the newly added authorization object.
6. Just click on the yellow traffic icon and press Enter as per below screenshot.
7. If you want to configure the authorization in details, you can click on the pencil icon. From here, you can adjust / assign the authorizations based on the user requirements. As example, you can just give display access only to the user – without ability to delete or change. You can explore more settings here!
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